Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 – Staffing

1) What does an “employment interview” take in the selection process?

Ans – An employment interview can determine an applicant’s suitability for a particular work position. The interview process is designed to obtain specific data from the candidate to establish whether the individual’s abilities, experiences & job demands are reliable. This evaluation helps guarantee that the proper individual is chosen for the role, aligning the candidate’s skills and the job’s demands.

2) Why is an “Aptitude Test” process during selection?

Ans – During the selection process, an Aptitude Test is given to assess an individual’s capacity to learn new skills and talents. This exam analyzes an individual ability to learn and adapt to new tasks and difficulties, ensuring they have the requisite skills to function well in their work capacity.

3) Mention & describe the strategies that assist in locating potential job experts.

Ans – The procedure is known as recruitment. It’s a process of discovering and recruiting suitable applicants to apply for open positions within a company. This process comprises all operations, from the original job posting to the final selection of candidates. It creates a pool of skilled applicants & the business can hire the greatest potential employees.

There are 2 main types of recruitment process – Internal & External.

Internal Sources: Internal recruiting involves filling job openings with current employees from the firm. This can be done through promotions or transfers, allowing staff to improve their careers and take on new positions.

External Sources: External recruiting involves recruiting people from outside the company. This includes strategies like ads, college placements, management consultants & telecalls offering a broad pool of candidates with new talents.

Organizations may increase their chances of obtaining the best people for their requirements by using internal & external recruitment channels.

4) Give a detailed study of ‘Casual Callers’ & ‘Labour Contractors’ as recruitment outsourcing.

Ans – Many popular firms have a database of rejected candidates who have previously sourced for various job roles in the respective firm. When job openings are available, the firm searches this database & contacts qualified people to ask them to apply for the roles. This pre-screened pool of candidates can be a great resource for promptly filling open positions with suitable people.

Labor contractors are brokers that connect companies with unskilled workers or laborers. These contractors have established networks and are in close contact with a pool of laborers. When companies want labor, they rely on labor contractors to provide the workers they need on short notice. This approach suits businesses that demand a flexible and quickly accessible workforce.

5) Vinod, the HR Manager, Umesh, the Assistant Manager & Ashok, the Head of Marketing – Hitashi Enterprises Ltd., have opted to leave the firm. The Chief Executive Officer requested that Vinod fill the openings before his departure. Vinod proposed elevating his capable subordinate, Rajesh, to replace his job, and Rajesh then contacted – Zenith Recruiters about the Marketing Head vacancy.

Zenith Recruiters successfully hired a good applicant. Rajesh found a suitable applicant for Umesh’s role by searching through a rejected application database.

(a) Identify the internal and external recruitment sources used by Hitashi Enterprises Ltd. to fill the above vacancies.

Ans – Hitashi Enterprises Ltd. uses the following internal and external sources of recruitment:

  • Promotion – Rajesh was promoted to fill Vinod’s post through an internal recruiting process.
  • Placement & Management Agencies – A candidate for the Marketing Head role (where Ashok was employed earlier) was found through ‘Zenith Recruiters’
  • Regular Callers – Unanswered applications from the database were used to fill the Assistant Manager position (Similar to the role of Umesh).

(b) State one perk from the listed recruitment source mentioned above.

Ans –

  • Promotion: Promoting from the inside reduces induction expenses and background checks because the person is already familiar with the company.
  • Placement & Management Agencies: These firms add knowledge and specialty to the hiring process, assisting in the effective recruitment process of hiring qualified individuals.
  • Random Callers: Using rejected applications is an easy technique to identify candidates without spending additional recruitment costs.

6) What are the major benefits of employee training?

Ans – Employee training provides various perks to the company & employees.

Advantages for the firm:

  • Improved Efficiency: Trained employees use resources more effectively, which leads to more economical operations.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Training helps employees know their roles, tools, and procedures, which leads to improved quality and quantity of production.

Perks for Employees:

  • Continuous Learning: Training allows people to learn new skills and improve their overall performance, which leads to personal and professional progress.
  • Increased Earning Potential: As their abilities and performance improve, qualified employees are eligible for increased compensation and better career growth inside the firm.

7) Explain what’s training & show how it varies from development.

Ans – Training refers to improved employee skills, talents, and expertise to execute a certain job successfully. It highlights providing individuals with the information and skills needed to perform their allocated tasks effectively.

On the other hand, development is a more comprehensive process that aims to promote overall growth and prepare individuals for future roles and difficulties. It highlights the long-term development of an employee’s skills & potential.

Training is to improve skills & knowledge for current work performance.It focuses on long-term growth and preparation for future responsibilities.
Training is designed to learn skills that apply to specific duties and roles.Covers a broader variety of learning and growth possibilities, such as leadership and professional progress.
Training is short-term and job-specific.Long-term and focused on personal and professional progress.

NCERT Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 – Staffing

In the field of business studies, staffing refers to the process of recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining employees within an organization. It is a crucial function that ensures the right people are in the right roles to drive organizational success.