NCERT Class 12 Biology Important Questions
Chapter-wise structured list of chapters and their important questions for effective study:
Below chapters are no longer included in the NCERT Biology textbook for Class 12.
Important Questions and Answers for Class 12 Biology Chapter-wise
As far as Class 12 is concerned, exams are difficult. More so for the subject like Biology. It demands memory and understanding of a few concepts. You are on this page to help you with some of the most important questions and answers on each chapter so that you may study effectively and ace your Class 12 Biology exam.
Practice is Important
Mastery over any subject can be achieved only by practice. In the case of biology, it is very essential as through daily practice, it would not be tough to understand the concepts presented in different chapters. It will give you an idea about your weak points and also give you an opportunity to improve upon them other than acquainting you with the pattern of the examination. All the very best wishes for your preparations and acing those CBSE Class 12 Biology exams.
Important Questions for NCERT Class 12 Biology
This page provides a list of chapter-wise important questions and their answers. These questions are based on crucial topics and the patterns asked in the previous board exams. We have made these resources to enable you to focus on the most scoring portions of the syllabus, from basics to complex topics.
Why Important Questions are Important for Class 12 Students?
Important questions of biology are very helpful for practicing and revising the entire syllabus in one sitting. They do include all important topics and concepts which let a student understand what is quite rigorously covered under the subject.
This important question practice develops the time management system of the student. If a student practices these questions then, while sitting for an examination, he can use his time effectively. This way, a student masters the art of prioritizing topics and allotting time to them such that he completes his exam well within the given time frame.
Developing Problem Solving Skills: Key questions of biology generally ask students to work toward complex problems using their knowledge. Hence, practicing them makes a student work towards the development of his or her critical thinking and analytical skills-that is, something very necessary in really doing well in exams.
This will imbue the students with self-confidence and self-esteem because practicing the right kind of biology questions will make them the masters of those questions, which further can make them feel better prepared and assured while taking their exams.
Benefits of Using Our Important Questions
It is wholly NCERT aligned: All the questions and answers are aligned with the NCERT syllabus for all-inclusive coverage.
Focus Areas of the Key Chapters and Topics: We have focused on key chapters that give you high weightage so you can maximize your score with the efficient use of your study material.
Structured Answers: Answers are given in structured forms with bullet points and with diagrams wherever necessary, so revision is easier.

How to Study Biology Class 12 for Boards
A well-planned study of Biology will surely help students score well in the NCERT Class 12 Biology exam. Here’s how to do it:
- Create a Study Schedule: Identify special days and slots for each chapter to be studied. Break long chapters into relatively smaller, but action-orientated chapters in sequence.
- Practice Important Questions: You can make your study hours more fruitful if you practice those questions which are likely to appear in the exams. This will include previous year questions, model tests and a series of important questions prepared after consulting subject experts.
- Make use of mnemonics for memorizing: Biology consists of the recitation of scientific names, classifications, and definitions. Use mnemonics- reminding aids-to create memories for the information
- Solve sample papers: Practicing sample papers within the time frame will surely boost the confidence level and develop the ability to make proper use of time while sitting in an examination.
To do that, focus on the NCERT textbooks, practice diagrams, and focus on high-weightage chapters like Genetics, Evolution, and Reproduction. Your regular revision and practicing sample papers may help you to improve your performance.
Yes, NCERT books cover the whole syllabus, and that is sufficient to grasp the fundamental concepts and answers to the board exam questions. But, if you are targeting competitive exams, some extra resources and reference books would be useful.
For better retention, prepare summaries after each chapter, use flashcards for scientific terms, and develop a habit for drawing diagrams. Revision of these notes from time to time will help you build up your memory.
Diagrams play an integral role in Biology exams as most of the times they carry direct marks. It is seen that practicing proper and well-labeled diagrams can enhance your marks to great levels. Usually, cell structure, human anatomy, and plant tissues are the common tested diagrams.
Do the exercises given at the end of each chapter and then practice some of the previous years’ board papers. StudyMaterialsOnline have important questions chapter-wise that will be helpful too.
This depends on your comfort with the topic. Ideally, 1-2 hours daily dedicated to Biology, with focused study sessions on the tougher topics, can work. Save some time for revision and practice tests when it nears the exams.
A single topic must not be missed, however if time is not available, weight-age items should be given more importance, and only the basics of the rest of the items can be covered. You can also practise the StudyMaterialsOnline provided important questions.